Home » Glossary » Barrages & Cakes » Profi Box 3 Pack Assortment
A trio of 19 shots barrages offering a great mix of effects including brocade crown tails to brocade crown with blue and red stars, silver tails to silver palms with red, blue and gold blink and blue tails to blue, red and purple breaks with gold blink. Each lasting approximately 25 seconds.
Large mines of silver, gold and crackling blink mine rise into alternating red and blue tails before huge breaks of red ...
25 shots of stunning effects from various mines including red, green, blue, white and crackling changing to massive bouq...
A great mix of New and Improved effects for this 50 shot barrage including red peony, to brocade crown with white strobe...
UK Firework Award Best Small Cake Winner 2021 Nineteen massive red and silver strobing tails breaking into huge bursts ...