Home » Glossary » Barrages & Cakes » Ammo Store 3 Pack
A trio of 19 shot salvos that pack a punch of military proportions lasting 30 seconds each. Scud contains stunning brocade pine tails to brocade pine bursts. Sidewinder packs big silver and gold blink tails to huge wave willow bursts with red, blue, purple and silver blink, and finally Patriot launches brocade crown tail to massive titanium palms with green red and silver blinks.
UK Firework Award Best Small Cake Winner 2021 Nineteen massive red and silver strobing tails breaking into huge bursts ...
Tornado - Great effect and duration from this large calibre 36 shot barrage containing whistling tails to massive red pa...
Waves of deep blue pearls with tails launch skyward for 30 seconds from this low noise barrage....
A monster of a 200 shot compound, offering a varied firing patterns and massive professional quality breaks, with a vari...